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"We're more alive than ever!"

Welcome to Relatively Speaking.
Unlock the Answers You Seek. 

Life is easier to navigate and much more fun with the help of The Relatives!

Welcome! My name is Laura Bottrell and I am a spirit medium, professionally practicing for twenty years. I connect those who are living to those who are in spirit, who I have so lovingly named "The Relatives."


The Relatives give us undeniable evidence that they are so far from gone, and are more alive than ever. They constantly surround us, wanting to help and guide us.


If you've experienced a significant loss, working with a medium can bring you healing, comfort, and new perspective. However, clients can still benefit from readings if they don't have a particular individual in mind or even if they do not know anyone who has passed away. In fact, the reason I originally coined the term "The Relatives" is because I found that after a reading, your spirits become a part of my army of angels, and mine become a part of yours. 

The Relatives give us a broad, bird's eye view of our lives, therefore providing hope and excitement about your future and potential.

With empathy and insight, I can help you with one of the most life-changing and profound experiences that you will have. Please email me at for any questions.

Any communications or services are intended for informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor be a substitute for, professional mental health and medical advice. Laura Bottrell and Relatively Speaking do not assume any responsibility or liability for the decisions and actions of the client.

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Ethics that I abide by:


Ask who you are hoping to connect with before the reading. 

Ask for any pictures or items belonging to the the deceased. 

Mediums can make predictions, but we can never have absolute certainty about the future. The future is ever changing and evolving.

 Go beyond the scheduled amount of time and charge extra for said time. 


Validate the existence of life after death by providing specific information about the spirit or only information the client would know.

Stay unbiased and objective without inserting any opinions of their own or making judgements of any kind. 

Channel in an authentic way that should leave the client feeling hopeful and comforted, not in despair.

Stop a reading and reschedule at little to no cost if in any instance the medium is unable to connect. It's rare, but it happens. 

I keep my client's identity and information from readings anonymous. I will never share your name or attached messages that come through in session. I feel readings are similar to a therapeutic experience and my client's  privacy is important to me.  


*Disclaimer: I as the medium am not in charge of what may or may not come up during a readings. I simply move out of the way and let the Relatives guide the session. Often what we think we want to hear is not what we need to hear. With that said, clients will sometimes want very specific yes or no answers to their questions. In my experience, the Relatives would rather help the client come to clear conclusions on their own versus giving  black and white answers. This proves to be much more meaningful and insightful. While they are there to help, our journey is still ours to experience and learn from. 


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Mendocino, California

Our reading calmed me in my deepest self. A tremendous relaxation has happened for me around the grief. The anguish part just left after your reading. I am still stunned by how it just left - after 14 months of it being so heavy, and laden with grief, my heart feels Light!!!
I can never thank you enough, Laura. You provided a miracle for me. Of course, the sadness and tears still come but so much lighter.



If you enjoyed your session, please feel free to leave a testimonial. This often helps those who may be one the fence or those who are on the search for the right medium for them. Your experience may resonate with what someone needs.
Your identity is optional.

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